Self-Image and Outlook

Week 1 – Self-Image and Outlook   You have successfully completed the Bootcamp. You have laid the foundation for physical strength and resilience. The next 10 weeks (Program 2) is all about building psychological strength and resilience. This week we will go through the importance of self-image and how you can use the principle of… Continue reading Self-Image and Outlook

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Week 10

The Power of Intrinsic Habits   The extrinsic habits discussed in this 10-week program bring balance to our lives. They help us to maintain balance with our health, our relationships, and our business. But what happens when we our out of balance? Burnout. The result of being too focused on our business at the expense… Continue reading Week 10

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Week 9

Week 9 – Meditation   Like all great habits there is a system to follow with persistency to install the habit. Meditation is no different. View meditation as a system to achieve three main things:   1. To become familiar with your old self (to depower it), and to become familiar with your new self… Continue reading Week 9

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Week 8

Intermittent Fasting   Fasting has a wide variety of benefits including reducing stress and inflammation and promoting repair and fat burning in the body.   Gain the habit of fasting every day for at least 13 hours. For example, stop eating at 8pm and then don’t have your breakfast until 9am, or if you can… Continue reading Week 8

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Week 7 – Cold Water Immersion & Intention Setting

Cold Water Immersion   Regular exposure to cold water helps you decrease stress and increase levels of alertness and concentration.   Every day spend between 15 seconds and two and a half minutes in a cold shower. Cold water sends many electrical impulses to your brain, they jolt your system to increase alertness, clarity, and… Continue reading Week 7 – Cold Water Immersion & Intention Setting

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Breath Work

Breath Work   Establishing a breathing routine will get your heart rate back to a relaxed state straight after your morning routine.   Your breath work is a great mindfulness habit to commit to. It can be very challenging to slow life down and control your thoughts. The mind has a habit of randomly jumping… Continue reading Breath Work

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Sleep & Hydration

Sleep Preparation   It is very important to get a solid 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. It’s the most important habit of all because with a good night’s sleep you are rested, energized, and prepared for the day ahead.   For many people getting this amount of sleep can be a huge… Continue reading Sleep & Hydration

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Learning Something New

Learn Something New   Learning provides us with an escape when we seek it and knowledge when we need it.   Develop the habit of devoting a minimum of 15 minutes a day to learning something new.   It could be a new sales or marketing skill or learning a language or a musical instrument.… Continue reading Learning Something New

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Vision   Imagine spending years working towards a goal that you think is going to solve everything.   And then after countless sacrifices, heartache, dedication, and application you finally accomplish what you have been striving for…it feels great for a few days…and then nothing…a feeling of emptiness!   The truth is we chase what we… Continue reading Vision

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