Program 3 Week 1 – An introduction to Think and Grow Rich

An introduction to Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill, then a young special investigator for a nationally known business magazine, was sent to interview the steel magnate Andrew Carnegie. During that interview, Carnegie dropped a hint of a certain master power he used, a magic law of the human mind, a little-known psychological principle that… Continue reading Program 3 Week 1 – An introduction to Think and Grow Rich

Program 2 Week 10 Evolve

Week 10 – Evolve  Consciousness is the ultimate way to evolve.  It’s the basic tool of life. Being conscious means being aware of some aspect of reality. Through it we are able to manage ourselves. Without it we cannot evolve. We have to understand what consciousness feels like, how to live more purposefully and how… Continue reading Program 2 Week 10 Evolve

Program 2 Week 9 – Gratitude

Week 9 – Gratitude The practice of gratitude elevates our wellbeing. Yet all too often we measure our own wellbeing by how  our lives compare to other people.   We’re taught culturally to believe that happiness will arrive when we are above others in a socially defined way. But our true nature doesn’t care a bit… Continue reading Program 2 Week 9 – Gratitude

Program 2 Week 8 – Acceptance

Week 8 – Acceptance As we try to take the actions required to bring our exciting visions for the future into reality, one principle stands out: acceptance. Acceptance is not passive surrender; it is an active practice that empowers us to take the action that will shape our reality while aligning ourselves with the flow… Continue reading Program 2 Week 8 – Acceptance

Program 2 Week 5 – Faith

Week 5 – Faith A timeless military principle says that the best defence is offence. All problems with combat, national or personal, become smaller if you confront them. They also become larger if you avoid them, the imagination takes care of this.  Faith is having the courage to take prompt, well-thought-out decisive action at times… Continue reading Program 2 Week 5 – Faith

P2 W4 – The Principle of Love

Week 4 – The Principle of Love People with a well-developed Self-Image have a tendency to express an authentic interest in, and a high regard for other people. They have an innate awareness for other people’s problems and needs. It is a psychological fact that our feelings about ourselves tend to correspond to our feelings… Continue reading P2 W4 – The Principle of Love

P2 S3 Environment

Week 3 – Environment Reflect on this thought: “Can I teach my body emotionally what my future will feel like before it happens. And can I feel gratitude for what happens to me before it actually happens?”. Imagine we have access to two possible types of present environment. One is based on our past reality… Continue reading P2 S3 Environment

P2 W2 – Self-Esteem

Week 2 – Self-Esteem   Self Esteem is a fundamental human need and a key component of our self-image. It’s more than an innate feeling of self-worth, it’s having confidence in our ability to cope with the basic challenges of life and having confidence in our basic right to be successful and happy. A feeling… Continue reading P2 W2 – Self-Esteem