Week 7 – Masterminding
Our Outer Guide and our Inner Guide
Our inner guide is already within each of us, it has always been there. It’s the most important resource we can ever gain access to, and it was given to us free of charge. It’s our servo mechanism.
A fulfilled, meaningful, joyful, balanced life is an ‘inside out’ job, but we might first need some outside help to work this out. We might need a support network to help us work on our self-image.
The CoP community is a support network. It serves as our outer guide, something akin to a teacher or a confidant.
In order to discover our inner guide, we need our outer guide to help us. That’s the power of masterminding.
Only then can our inner guide walk all the way with us to the realisation of our vision.
Nature vs. Culture
Masterminding is to tap into collective awareness through a community of like minded people. Everyone in the group helps each other to find our true nature and shed what culture expects of us.
Our nature is the way life was intended to be for us. Our culture is the conditioning and the socialisation that got in the way of our true nature.
The value of a masterminding is that it will help us as individuals to discover our self-image and find a balanced life.
Not just an extrinsic balance, such as proper balance between work time and family time, but also a chemical balance in our brain. We can learn to self-regulate our emotions. We abandon ‘survival mode’ and start to create.
Nature’s intention for us is to live in balance in the first place. To be relaxed in the heart and alert in the brain. This is achieved through the perfect blend of dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin flowing through our veins every day. Masterminding brings us back to our true nature.
When you learn something new, you learn it once. When you reflect on it and write about it you learn it twice. When you share your opinions and debate it in a mastermind community you learn it three times!!
That’s the beauty of masterminding, whilst helping people in our community create a future they want, we are each creating a future we want for ourselves. While we are sharing and serving one another, we are also transforming our own lives.
We are each trying to discover a rhythm, order, and balance. As we work together on this mission, we will notice a transformation from the habit of living in the past, to a life where we consciously regulate our emotional state. Instead of chasing the next short-term reward, we have a clear vision of our future. Our vision comes to life through setting daily intentions and taking daily actions in alignment with this vision. We lead a life of good habits repeated daily.
We are helping each other to believe in a future that we are now imagining with our creative imagination and our heart.
When a person can change their feelings and thoughts inside of them, they can begin to make biological and psychological changes. It is then that we start to see sustainable changes on the outside as well.
Masterminding helps us to learn and make changes to both our biology and our psychology.
The Autonomic Nervous System
There is a science-based logic to what we are doing in our mastermind community.
We are working together to layer a set of extrinsic and intrinsic habits that we can repeat daily. We are working together to find a balanced lifestyle where we spend quality time creating and building our assets. At the same time, we are focused collectively on taking care of our relationships, our physical health, and our mental health
In the process we are making changes to our Autonomic Nervous System.
It is this subconscious system that gives us good health and energy to our body. This enables us to create the future we want.
Once we know how to gain access to this system we learn how to improve our health. We also learn how to transform unwanted self-limiting behaviours, beliefs, and habits into productive ones.
Imagine what can happen when you have a community of vision-driven individuals raising their energies together. All working at the same time to find balance, to replace bad habits with good habits, to live according to principles, and to prioritise their highest values.
Through masterminding we collectively become more focused on transforming our lives for the better.