Program 3 – Bonus Week – The 3 Ghosts of Indecision, Doubt, and Fear

Bonus Week – The 3 Ghosts of Indecision, Doubt, & Fear   These 3 enemies exist only in our subconscious mind where their presence is hard to detect. But they are nothing but ghosts because they exist only in one’s mind. Ghosts are creations of uncontrolled imagination, but they can be as damaging and as… Continue reading Program 3 – Bonus Week – The 3 Ghosts of Indecision, Doubt, and Fear

Program 3 Week 9 – The Mystery of Sex Transmutation & The Subconscious Mind

Week 9 – The Mystery of Sex Transmutation & The Subconscious Mind The meaning of the word transmute is the changing or transferring of one element or form of energy into another. The emotion of sex brings into being a state of mind. Because of ignorance on the subject, this state of mind is generally… Continue reading Program 3 Week 9 – The Mystery of Sex Transmutation & The Subconscious Mind

Program 3 Week 6 – Imagination

Week 6 – Imagination We have been given a highly valuable asset called imagination. Our only limitation is in how we set about using and developing this asset. Our imagination faculty functions in two forms. One is known as synthetic imagination and the other as creative imagination. Through the faculty of synthetic imagination, we can… Continue reading Program 3 Week 6 – Imagination

Week 5 – The Principle of Specialised Knowledge

The Principle of Specialised Knowledge There are two kinds of knowledge: one is specialised, and the other is general. General knowledge is of little use in the accumulation of riches. Specialised knowledge is organisation and intelligent direction through practical plan of action. It is the fourth principle of success in thinking and growing rich. Knowledge… Continue reading Week 5 – The Principle of Specialised Knowledge

Week 4 – The Principle of Autosuggestion

The Principle of Autosuggestion Autosuggestion means self-suggestion.  Think of a human being having three minds and one brain – the Thinking Mind, the Conscious Mind, and the Subconscious Mind. Then think of the conscious mind as the gateway between the thinking and subconscious minds. Autosuggestion is the agency of communication between the thinking and subconscious… Continue reading Week 4 – The Principle of Autosuggestion